Walking in my Character’s shoes – with Trey and Rosette


One of the most fun aspects of being an author is stepping into the world of my characters. Trey and Rosette from Point Hope live in an old family home overlooking the Oregon coast. This weekend I walked on “their beach,” drove on their road and through their town, thinking about their story, their home and their lives. It surprised me just how powerfully I felt the connection they would experience between their family, traditions and home. Everywhere I looked, I was reminded of different family trips and special moments from my childhood and from trips with my kids. This weekend we were having a great time with our six kids, playing on different beaches and going to our favorite restaurants.

I have to agree with Trey – spring and autumn are awesome seasons on the beach. It’s not as windy as in the summer and there aren’t nearly as many tourists. (Although the local economy probably loves the summer crowd!) We enjoyed two days of great weather, with sun and clouds but not rain, and just a hint of wind on the beach. The kids had to run to keep the kites up in the air!

Here’s a few pictures from the beach as the clouds broke up, making it seem almost like a moonscape in some shots.

