Freebies and a Vegas Book Signing… Happy November!

I’m writing this on Halloween night so of course it’s pouring down rain outside – that’s how it always is for Halloween here in my part of Oregon. It just adds to the atmosphere. I call it writing weather!

And tonight I’m writing about my freebies…

First, I’m excited to announce an in-person book signing in Las Vegas on November 18. I’ll be attending with some 350 other authors across genres, so it’s an event for everyone who loves to read. (And loves to visit Vegas! I’m looking forward to some sunshine in Vegas to learn, network, and have fun. I made the week-long Indie conference my birthday trip this year.)

I’m taking a selection of my novels, some romance, some mystery, and a nonfiction for other writers. I’ll have my two newest novels: Sarah’s Song and The Billionaire Who Bought Me. It was hard to chose some and not all of my novels, and I ended up with a mix so hopefully that works to my advantage. I wanted to have something for different kinds of readers.

After the last few years, it feels amazing to have this event to look forward to. I miss interacting with other authors and readers.

Soooo…. My Kindle freebie is actually one of my new novels. I made it free through Smashwords and was surprised when Amazon price-matched quickly, so yay! Now I can offer it free to my readers across different platforms.

I have other freebie novels on Apple books and Barnes and Noble that haven’t shown up on Amazon. If you read on Kindle, you can always visit my Smashwords profile to get Kindle files. They provide instructions on how to transfer files, or you can read books online.

My Smashwords Profile – books, about me, and an exclusive author interview.

Well, on this dark and rainy night, I should probably get back to writing! I’m revising a Christmas novella because I realized it was a bit on the short side. It’s a story I really love about second chance love and Christmas. Some people advise to keep moving forward but I enjoy revisiting older stories and hanging out with my characters again. I’ll share more on that later in November.

Oh, one last thing before I go… I am working on a novel that’s in the very early stages. So there’ll be more on that later too.

Happy Halloween and Happy November!

My 100th Blog Post!

It was almost three years ago (and 100 posts!) when I started this blog/website. That was right after I had launched my author page on Facebook. It’s been an amazing three years with my professional life centered around what I love to do. And oddly enough, I’m most thankful that I can see lots of ways to grow as an author. It really is about the journey and not the destination! I like to think I’m still in the beginning of a fulfilling and exciting adventure, one with lots of twists and turns and milestones to celebrate, and more importantly, people to share it with. 🙂

I’ve shared about quite a few hikes over the last couple of years, but I have so many more places to go. Of course I want to revisit all my favorite places in Oregon. That’s one thing I love about where I live: all the hiking and wild areas to explore in the mountains and on the coast. I’ve started visiting Eastern Oregon more and finding a different kind of beauty there. I recently learned there’s a small number of moose living in the North Eastern corner of Oregon, and I’ve been dreaming about exploring there in the summer and seeing if we can spot them. They’re some of the smallest moose and have little antlers. So here’s to new horizons and more writing!

I thought I’d celebrate my 100th blog by adding another freebie to my list – this one is free today and tomorrow. If you haven’t read The Cowboy Kiss, now’s the time! It’s short, fun and flirty. This joins my two perma free books, Embers of Hope and The Fairy and Her Giant.

Here’s a view back at my house (somewhere out there) from a hike to a mountain top.

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New Release: In A Field of Oranges

In a Field of Oranges

It’s finally here!

Sergeant Lance Smith lost his men in Afghanistan, lost his wife to divorce, and came home to an empty life. He expected to come home with his best friend, Jared. That didn’t happen either. There is one thing he needs to do. He’d promised Jared he would visit his sister if anything happened to him. It doesn’t seem like much, but Lance needs something to keep him moving forward. He just needs to track her down first.

Once a nurturing heart and a competent psychiatrist, Sierra Thomas is now hiding from the world. She tried to make a difference and failed. She couldn’t stop her brother—the brother she’d raised—from enlisting in the Marines. Then she failed her patients, ending her career. She retreated to her family’s orange groves, hoping to forget the pain of her past.

In a world where you can lose everything in any given second, it’s dangerous to open your heart. But giving up and living “dead” isn’t what life is about.

~ ~ ~


Inside, Sierra still sat on the sofa, looking sleepy. She watched Lance walk in and stood up, reaching for the tray.

“No, let me do that.” He lifted it before she had a chance. “I’ll take this to the kitchen.”

She nodded, and that’s when he noticed she was unsteady on her feet. He dropped the tray back on the coffee table and gently took her by the arms. “Maybe you should sit down.”

She didn’t, though. She looked up at him with deep, needy eyes and a face that clearly said, “Kiss me.”

She’s high on that pain pill.

But knowing that didn’t stop the desire rushing through him or keep him from running his hands up the bare skin of her arms. She let her gaze drop to his mouth, and that sent him over the edge. Pure, hot lust spiked right through to his groin. Fighting and losing, he brought a hand to her chin and slowly, thoroughly kissed her. Her lips felt soft and pliant, and her body leaned into his. She was kissing him too, the kiss growing deeper, her body pressing even closer. A pleasurable haze had descended on him, so he almost didn’t feel her stiffen.

She pulled back and looked at him. “That’s why you can’t stay long.”

Preview the first chapter or buy on Kindle  (Prime members can borrow for free.)